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You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg!
You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Take this opportunity to practice your foreign languages with our volunteers! We propose 3 different conversation clubs:
French conversation club on Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is travels (Les voyages: Quelle fut votre dernière destination ? Quel est l’endroit qui vous a le plus fasciné, étonné, … pendant un voyage ou une excursion ?)
German conversation club on Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week, we’ll have a special event about Madeleine’s region, Baden (Veranstaltung über Baden(-Württemberg): “Typisch Badisch”: Es wird eine Präsentation über Madeleine´s Heimat “Baden-Württemberg” und über Deutschland allgemein geben und sie wird euch zeigen was “Typisch badisch” ist!)
English conversation club on Thursday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is British English vs. American English (British English vs. American English : Do you know the differences between those two “regionalisms”? What is, in your opinion, the best English to use? In what circumstances?)
Mācību centrs “ERFOLG“
Biedrība ”ERFOLG”
Cietokšņa 44
20371892, 65420019