You are kindly invited to the weekly conversation clubs at Erfolg! Take this opportunity to practice your foreign languages with our volunteers! We propose 3 different conversation clubs:
French conversation club on Tuesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is travels (Les voyages: Quelle fut votre dernière destination ? Quel est l’endroit qui vous a le plus fasciné, étonné, … pendant un voyage ou une excursion ?)
German conversation club on Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week, we’ll have a special event about Madeleine’s region, Baden (Veranstaltung über Baden(-Württemberg): “Typisch Badisch”: Es wird eine Präsentation über Madeleine´s Heimat “Baden-Württemberg” und über Deutschland allgemein geben und sie wird euch zeigen was “Typisch badisch” ist!)
English conversation club on Thursday from 17:30 to 19:00. This week’s topic is British English vs. American English (British English vs. American English : Do you know the differences between those two “regionalisms”? What is, in your opinion, the best English to use? In what circumstances?)
Mācību centrs “ERFOLG“
Biedrība ”ERFOLG”
Cietokšņa 44
20371892, 65420019